Explore our Products

Contacta’s extensive product range creates an inclusive environment for end-users, improving accessibility and customer satisfaction.

Our assistive listening systems are at the cutting edge of technology. We offer a wide array of solutions using an array of technologies, and constantly review, develop and improve our products to ensure we deliver the right solution for each venue’s needs.

The build, construction and installation is carried out with precision by our team, guaranteeing you the best performance.

Hearing loop logo white and blue

1 to 1 Hearing Loops

1 to 1 hearing loops allow customers with hearing loss to freely engage with staff at counters or in situations where interaction between two people takes place. Enhance customer service with crystal clear sound and efficient management of power consumption.

Hearing loop logo white and dark blue

Large Area Hearing Loops

Large area hearing loops provide music and speech with complete clarity to multiple hearing instrument wearers. Perfect for environments ranging in size from meetings rooms to sports arenas, we take into account the dimensions and makeup of every room to ensure the best listening experience for your customers.

Infra Red (IR) icon

Infrared Systems (IR)

Infrared systems use invisible beam of infrared light to carry audio signals wirelessly between a transmitter and receivers. Transmitters flood infrared light so that the required area is covered, allowing users to pick up the audio signal using a range of compatible IR receivers. These systems are ideal for venues where confidentiality is important or users need to move between areas with different sound sources.

Radio Frequency (RF)

Radio Frequency Systems (RF)

Radio frequency systems use wireless radio waves to transmit sound directly to a compatible RF receivers with use of headphones or inductive neckloops. This range includes portable as well as large-scale transmitters; large scale transmitters work across a wide array of environments, while portable transmitters enable tour guidance in educational or entertainment venues. Signals are transmitted through walls, glass partitions, ceilings or other obstacles.

Speech transfer icon

Window Intercom Systems

Window intercom systems, also known as talk-thru systems, provide clear communication where normal speech is impaired by glass, security screens orĀ  COVID-19 safety barriers. For those with hearing loss a hearing loop is included aiding communication.



Our design, manufacturing services, installation and training services ensure our systems are working to both fit your individual needs and are in an ideal condition for your customers.

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